Welcome to the Ecofauna FAQ where you can get answers to our most common questions. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please contact us. Answering questions is what we do!

How far in advance do I have to book a show?

The sooner the better. We book shows all year round. In order to have the best chance of getting the date and time you want, book as soon as possible.

Can I request a particular animal for my event?

Yes you can! We will do our best to make sure your favourite animal ambassador will attend your event, although we can’t guarantee it. The health of our animals is our top priority. If a particular animal isn’t feeling up to doing shows on any given day, they will stay home and another one will come in it’s place.

Can I come visit your zoo.

Currently our zoo is a closed facility, but we are working on opening a sanctuary where the public can visit.

Is doing shows hard on your animals?

Some animals aren’t built for doing shows. The ones that do attend are the ones that enjoy interaction with the public. For every animal that enjoys doing shows there may be two or three at our facility that just want to be left alone to do their own thing and we respect their boundaries. For the ones that do enjoy coming to the shows we consider it enrichment and mental stimulation.

Can you do shows outdoors?

While we can sometimes accommodate outdoor shows, we always require that an indoor space be available so that we can do the show inside.

Where do your animals come from?

Most of the animals that are in our shows come from rescue situations and surrenders from people that are no longer able to keep their pets.

What's happening at the zoo!

Want to connect on our social media and get behind the scenes picture and videos of our animal ambassadors? Check us out on Facebook and Instagram